How can dehydrated skin regain its suppleness?

December 18, 2020

Comment la peau déshydratée retrouve sa souplesse ? - Dado Cosmetics

With the pandemic, teleworking, children at home, stress and wearing a mask, this lifestyle has a direct impact on your skin.

Your skin feels dry and you just don't recognize your skin anymore. And this phenomenon gets amplified when there is a drop in temperature.

What if your skin is dehydrated? It is a condition that can be experienced by all skin types even oily skin!

How to recognize dehydrated skin?


You have to understand the basic functioning of the skin. The latter consists of 3 layers, each with a specific function and role:

  • the hypodermis.

It is the deepest layer of the skin and contains fatty tissue. It protects the body from cold and physical shocks.

  • the dermis

It is the support fabric and is divided into 3 layers. It is the one to ensure the nutrition of the epidermis. This is why a loss of these abilities leads to the appearance of wrinkles and signs of skin aging.

It also plays the role of healing and elimination of certain toxic substances through sweating (this is one of the reasons why you should not use antiperspirants because body waste is not eliminated). Read our article on endocrine disruptors HERE

  • the epidermis

It is the superficial layer of the skin that covers the dermis. It has 5 layers including the stratum corneum. It is in the latter that we find the dead cells that must be removed regularly. The epidermis is made up of keratinocytes, melanocytes and Langerhans cells.

Its role is to form a protective barrier against external aggressions.

Dehydrated skin lacks water in the dermis or epidermis. However, a dysfunction in the dermis leads to the early appearance of wrinkles.

In concrete terms, the body is made up of 70% water and it is through food that we provide it this water. In the event of a decrease in liquids, the skin is dehydrated and this results in discomfort, tightness, and deepening wrinkles.

To know if your skin is dehydrated, you must observe yourself in the morning when you wake up. How is your skin?

If you notice pillow marks on the skin, it is dehydrated. And I repeat, all skin types are concerned.

The Remedy of Dehydrated skin:


Perhaps the first idea that comes to mind is moisturizer? After all, that's his goal, right? Not really, let me explain.
A conventional cream is intended to TEMPORARILY relieve your discomfort. What you need to understand is that it is mainly composed of:

  • water
  • mineral oils (petroleum and silicone derivatives)
  • synthetic glycerine

The mineral oils create an occlusive film on the skin which delays the evaporation of water and the synthetic glycerin will attract water from the cream to the cells. That is why, at the moment of application, you feel the hydration effect. But it's superficial because the water always ends up evaporating.

Conclusion: you always have this feeling of tightness at some point during the day and you have to reapply the moisturizer accordingly.

Well, I want to reassure you that there are natural and very simple solutions.

Know that dehydration is a temporary period. In other words, by increasing the liquids in the body, the cells will rehydrate and the skin will regain its suppleness and elasticity.

But you have to take the necessary actions today so as not to damage your dermis (early appearance of wrinkles).

1 - Increase intake of fluids

By liquid, I mean plain water or water with cucumber for example, herbal or fruit infusions, fresh vegetables and fruits. With this cold and dry weather, soups and broths are welcome. Nutrients are needed in the water in order to deeply rehydrate the cells of the body.

On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid alcohol and coffee in large quantities because according to the reaction of your metabolism, these 2 beverages dehydrate the body. If you are a consumer of these, notice the effects on your skin the following days. Do not hesitate to write down your observations in a small notebook.

Always listen to your body. We hear a lot of recommendations that you should drink 1.5L of water a day. However, this figure also needs to be adapted according to the skin's way of life. Are you more athletic or sedentary? Do you eat fruits and vegetables or rice dishes? Depending on this, your water consumption will have to be revised.

Ex: I am running in the sun at noon, it is obvious that I will need to drink more water than if I were sitting in front of the TV. You get the idea.

2- Vegetable glycerin

Glycerin can be chemical but a vegetable version also exists. And this is what interests us. It attracts the water that is outside.

You can add 10% vegetable glycerin to your toner. Be careful with this rate of 10% otherwise you will have the opposite effect. It is important to use this treatment on an ad hoc basis.

Afterwards, you should apply your oily serum adapted to your skin type.

3- Aloe vera


If you don't have vegetable glycerin, you can apply organic aloe vera gel to moisturize the skin. Then you can seal it with the application of your oily serum.

Here are our 3 tips to provide real comfort while letting your skin work.

To conclude, having beautiful, supple skin involves knowing certain principles. By understanding how the skin works, you respond to these needs effectively with gentle gestures. Water is life. If you're running out of it and it's having a direct impact on your skin's elasticity, well, I think you'll be good to go with your water bottle.

Let us know if you have any other tips for hydrating your skin.

With love,

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