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  • [DRY SKIN] DIY gourmet mask

    November 11, 2019

    [PEAU SÈCHE] Masque gourmand DIY - Dado Cosmetics

    With the temperatures dropping, it's nice to take care of yourself on a Sunday afternoon. A little moment for yourself to enhance your skin with this gourmet recipe:

    1. Melt 2 squares of dark chocolate (70% minimum and preferably organic) in a bain-marie.
    2. Add two teaspoons of organic shea or coconut butter
    3. 1 drop chamomile essential oil (optional)
    4. Apply with the fingers or with a brush on a clean face.
    5. Leave on for fifteen minutes.

    Take the time to listen to beautiful soft music or sip (with a straw 😉) your favorite infusion.

    Rinse with lukewarm water and get your skin refreshed and rejuvenated like never before!

    Tell us in the comments how it felt and the difference you noticed?

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